This film tells the story of a economics university student, who is recruited by the CIA to fight against financial crime. He quickly stumbles upon a series of mysterious accounts when he is working undercover in a financial company, thereby uncovering a terrorism plot."Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit" tells an thrilling story about a man having to face a Russian crook who have masterminded an elaborate terrorist plot. Though he has much support from his team, there are many occasions where danger is real and imminent. It delivers thrills and excitement, and the stylish office in Russia is pleasing to look at too. I enjoyed watching this film.
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
Chris Pine takes the role of Jack Ryan but has nowhere to go with it. Kevin Costner gets the worst of a cliché riddled script with lines like, "now you are operational". Perhaps they were going for comedy? Keira Knightly is capable of more. Kenneth Branagh makes a good villain.The movie delivers about what you expect. There is loud music that gives away the suspense scenes. Cars crash about. Everyone you know will survive does and the world is saved for another day.Everything is predictable. The only twist will be you in your seat as you hope for a fade to black. There's a reason this is a January release. Wait it will be coming to a platform near you soon.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
I've been a Tom Clancy fan for a long time. Loved the Hunt for Red October and Ford movies. This was just awful. I'm the type of person that has to finish what I've started so to turn off a movie means it was really bad.